Bouquet of Soap Roses


Bouquet of Roses for your Valentine!

Send that special someone a beautiful and unique bouquet of roses made from soap! With the exception of leaves/stems, literally EVERYTHING is made out of soap!!! The bowl or vase, the “water” inside the vase/bowl, and each flower is made completely out of soap! That’s up to 4 pounds of soap!!! And better yet - you can choose the colors and quantity of the roses! If your beloved hates the smell of roses but loves their beauty, then ask for a different scent! We have hundreds of scents, so we can please anyone! You can choose the color of the bowl or vase too! Everything is customizable. Order early, as quantities are limited!!!!

Coming soon- Daffodils will be blooming soon!

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Bouquet of Roses for your Valentine!

Send that special someone a beautiful and unique bouquet of roses made from soap! With the exception of leaves/stems, literally EVERYTHING is made out of soap!!! The bowl or vase, the “water” inside the vase/bowl, and each flower is made completely out of soap! That’s up to 4 pounds of soap!!! And better yet - you can choose the colors and quantity of the roses! If your beloved hates the smell of roses but loves their beauty, then ask for a different scent! We have hundreds of scents, so we can please anyone! You can choose the color of the bowl or vase too! Everything is customizable. Order early, as quantities are limited!!!!

Coming soon- Daffodils will be blooming soon!

Bouquet of Roses for your Valentine!

Send that special someone a beautiful and unique bouquet of roses made from soap! With the exception of leaves/stems, literally EVERYTHING is made out of soap!!! The bowl or vase, the “water” inside the vase/bowl, and each flower is made completely out of soap! That’s up to 4 pounds of soap!!! And better yet - you can choose the colors and quantity of the roses! If your beloved hates the smell of roses but loves their beauty, then ask for a different scent! We have hundreds of scents, so we can please anyone! You can choose the color of the bowl or vase too! Everything is customizable. Order early, as quantities are limited!!!!

Coming soon- Daffodils will be blooming soon!